Geschäftsführender Direktor
Prof. Dr. Carsten Bolm
Tel.: +49 (0)241 8094675

  Studentische Angelegenheiten
Dr. Michael Meske
Tel.: +49 (0)241 8094694

  Finanz- und Personalangelegenheiten
Dr. Gunter Geibel
Tel.: +49 (0)241 8094685





  May 2023
  Many congratulations to Dr. Chris Teskey and his research group for being awarded the Karl-Ziegler-Förderpreis by the GDCh in recognition of their outstanding scientific achievements.
  January 2023
  Congratulations to Prof. Daniele Leonori for receiving the "ERC Consolidator Grant". Professor Daniele Leonori from the Institute of Organic Chemistry will receive funding from the European Research Council in the form of an ERC Consolidator Grant. This prestigious funding program supports scholars at a point in their careers when they are consolidating their research projects. To be eligible for funding, the research topic must be groundbreaking, ambitious, and feasible. Professor Leonori will receive nearly two million euros in funding over five years. This is now the second time he has been awarded ERC funding, having previously succeeded in obtaining an ERC Starting Grant. For details, see:
  October 2022
  Congratulations to master's student Alina Grankin for receiving the "Speed Fund" award as part of the RWTH profile areas! This award is a competitive scholarship funded by the Hans Hermann Voss Foundation and given to master students. Mrs. Grankin is currently performing her joint master thesis in the Synthetic Microbiology group of Prof. Dr. Lars Lauterbach and in the group of Dr. Florian Mulks from the Institute of Organic Chemistry. This award will fund her exciting interdisciplinary  project on "Development of a chimeric F420-dependent hydrogenase towards oxygen tolerance for cofactor recycling"
  September 2022
  Congratulation: Francesco Puccetti (working in the group of Professor Bolm) won the "2nd Award" in the "Mechanochemistry Challenge 2022"!
Earlier this year, the Swiss company DEASYL announced a mechanochemistry challenge "open to all professionals and students working in the chemistry field whose projects use chemistry to tackle sustainability challenges." As required, Francesco prepared and submitted a 180 second video (describing chemistry reported in F. Puccetti, C. Schumacher, H. Wotruba, J. G. Hernández, C. Bolm, ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. 2020, 8, 7262) - and won!
Congratulation for this great success!
  July 2022
  Congratulation: Professor Carsten Bolm was admitted to Academia Europaea. For details, see:
  March 2022

Many congratulations to Dr Christopher Teskey for winning the 2022 ADUC Prize.

Welcome to the IOC! On March 1, Dr. Florian Mulks started his independent work (associated to the Bolm group) on the "synthesis and theory of super electrophiles". After his finishing doctorate in Heidelberg under the supervision of Professor Hashmi, Dr. Mulks performed postdoctoral work in the groups of Professor Hevia (University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK and the University of Bern, Switzerland), Professor Baik (at KAIST in Korea), and Professor Bertrand (at the University of San Diego, US). Now, for his own work he is supported by the Alexander-von-Humboldt Foundation. GOOD LUCK and GREAT SUCCESS FOR HIM!

Please look at "" and You may also contact him by e-mail using "".

CONGRATULATION: The evaluation of Florian Mulk's application for a LIEBIG STIPEND by the Fonds der Chemischen Industrie of the VCI (Verband der Chemischen Industrie) was positiv. If the contracts are sign now, he will be a Liebig Fellow! The IOC is very happy about his success!

  February 2022

On February 16, the IUPAC “Global Women’s Breakfast” will take place and the chemists of RWTH Aachen University are on board!
With the theme “Empowering Diversity in science”, all members of the different institutes are invited to join a session on hot topics of NFDI4Chem hosted by Prof. Dr. Sonja Herres-Pawlis (by ZOOM starting at 9:00 am).
Then, at 10:00 am, a virtual 45 min breakfast speed-dating session for doctoral students will follow (by ZOOM) with the aim of establishing and tightening the network. More information can be found unter or by contacting the organizers Hannah Fergen ( and Victoria Pfennig ( of the Institute of Organic Chemistry by e-mail.

Prof. Franziska Schoenebeck delivered the Andrew Streitwieser Lecture at UC Berkeley in USA. Congratulations.

  January 2022

The IOC/alumni connection at its best: Two former students of RWTH Aachen University, who were trained in the IOC by attending lectures by Professor Bolm, Mrs. Julia Grimme and Mr. Martin Hillemacher, being teachers at the Einhard Gymnasium Aachen und the Bischöfliche Liebfrauenschule Eschweiler, respectively, have strengthened their ties to the IOC. The first hosted Professor Bolm at her school on January 21, and the second, visited the IOC on January 26. In both cases, Professor Bolm presented the IOC and discussed the background of the Nobel Prize 2021.

The IOC is happy to welcome Professor Daniele Leonori, who started his professorship (as successor of Professor Magnus Rueping) at RWTH Aachen University on January 1. His expertise in synthetic organic chemistry will strengthen our institute scientifically and enhance our international visibility. Wonderful to have him here!

On January 14, the "14th Annual New Year's Symposium" took place (by ZOOM). Being sponsered by Bayer (CropScience) the organizing committee (consisting of Sandra Bausch, Alina Paffen, Saskia Grüninger, Renè Hommelsheim, and Marvin Mendel) was able to assemble an exciting program with Professor Lutz Ackermann (University of Göttingen), Dr. Anne Dècor (Bayer), and Professor Àngeles Fernández-Ibáñez (University of Amsterdam) as external speakers. Four flash talk sessions and a "meet and greet with the speakers" complemented the symposium. It was a great success full of science, and the about 120 participants (including several external attendees) felt very well entertained by the highly stimulating research that they could hear about.

  March 2020 - today
  We are proud to state that despite the challenges of the Corona pandemic, our practical laboratory teaching has barely seen any disruptions in 2020 & 2021. Thank you to all our laboratory assistants and technicans for their tireless efforts.
  November 2021
  The Schoenebeck group reports on the use of unsupervised machine learning to accelerate the identification of catalysts in Science. (Science 2021, 374, 1134)
  October 2021
  We are thrilled that Prof. Daniele Leonori has accepted an offer for a full professorship (and chair) at our institute and look forward to welcoming him and his group soon.
  September 2021
  Congratulations to Rene Königs on his positive tenure evaluation.
  August 2021
  Franziska Schoenebeck is the recipient of the 2022 Tetrahedron Young Investigator Award. Congratulations.
  June 2021

Congratulations to Franziska Schoenebeck on being awarded the 2020 Klung-Wilhelmy-Wissenschafts-Preis.

Congratulations to Rene Königs on being awarded the RWTH prize "FAMOS für Familie" and a teaching award by the RWTH chemistry students' association.

  January 2021
  Franziska Schoenebeck is appointed Associate Editor at the Journal of the Americal Chemical Society.



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Institut für Organische Chemie
Landoltweg 1
52074 Aachen

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