Organic - Chemistry Colloquia
Institute of Organic Chemistry
Landoltweg 1
52074 Aachen

OC - Seminarroom 6. floor


Institute of Organic Chemistry

General Information
Research Groups
Department of Chemistry



WS 2024/25

2:00 pm

Prof. Dr James J. Douglas (AstraZeneca (Macclesfield, UK)
Challenges in Complexity at AstraZeneca Drug Development"


11:15 am

Prof. Max Hansmann (TU Dortmund)
From fundamental carbon compounds to C-atom transfer"


11:15 am

Prof. Hegui Gong (Shanghai University)
Ni-Catalyzed Reductive and Redox Coupling of Challenging Substrates"


11:15 am

Prof. Stephen Hashmi (Ruprecht Karls-Universität Heidelberg)
Gold Catalysis - Concepts and Reactivity Patterns"


11:15 am

Prof Eisuke Ota (Waseda University, Japan)
Altering Selectivity in Photocatalytic Bond Cleavage"


2:00 pm

Prof. Shengming Ma (Fudan University & Zhejiang University & Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, CAS)
Aerobic Oxidations and The Applications"


11:15 am

Prof. Andreas Kirschning ( Leibniz Universität Hannover)
Chemobiosynthesis  or how to implement Mother Nature into a synthetic programme"


9:15 am, AC-lecture hall

Prof. Angelique Ferry (Cergy Paris Université)
Metal-catalyzed functionalization of carbohydrates"


11:15 am

Prof. Daniel Werz (Uni Freiburg)
Gain by Strain: Donor-Acceptor Cyclopropanes to Access Carbo- and Heterocyclic Compounds"


SS 2024

11:15 am

Prof. Martin Oestreich (TU Berlin)
The Cation Shuffle"


11:15 am

Juniorprof. Dr. Florian Kleemiß (RWTH Aachen University)
Quantum Crystalography - A tool for Chemical bonding Analysis"


2:00 pm

Simonetta Batteriger (Inclusive Leaders)
Basics for a diversity-sensitive Work and Communication Culture"


11:15 am

Prof. Alex Bissember (University of Tasmania)
Studying the Interplay Between Structure and Function in Copper Photoredox Catalysis and Taming Transient Species in Cross-Couplings"


11:15 am

Anis Tlili (CNRS/University of Lyon)
Advancing CO2 and SF6 Conversion and beyond: Harnessing New Opportunities in Small Molecule Valorization"


WS 2023/24

11:15 am

Prof. Yoichi Hoshimoto (Osaka University)
Exploring Ways to Harness N-Heterocyclic Carbenes and Triarylboranes in Organometallic and Synthetic Chemistry"


09:00 am, Sem.-Raum 6. Etage

Prof. Dr. Angus Lamar (University of Tulsa in Oklahoma)
Visible-Light-Promoted Formation of Nitrogen-Centered Radicals for Installation of Sulfonamide Functionality"


11:15 am

Prof. Paul McGonigal (University of York)
Liebig-Lecture "Geometry-Constrained Reactivity and Dynamics at the Limits of Carbon–Carbon Bonding"


11:15 am

Prof. Lutz Greb (Universität Heidelberg)
"Ligand Control on p-Block Elements: Structural Constraint and Electromerism"


11:15 am

Prof. Sebastian Riedel (FU Berlin)
From lab oddities to technical applications: The chemistry of halogens and their compounds"


11:15 am

Prof. Dr. Henry Dube (Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg)
Indigoid chromophores - a platform for light rresponsive nanosystems and molecular machines"


11:15 am

Prof. Paolo Melchiorre (University of Bologna)
Photochemistry, Organocatalysis and Enzymes. New Radical Opportunities"


SS 2023

11:15 am

Prof. Dr. Stefan Kubik (TU Kaiserslautern)
Supramolecular Approaches to the Detoxification of Nerve Agents"


11:15 am

Dr. Golo Storch (TU Munich)
Tailor-Made, Molecular Flavin Catalysts"


11:15 am

Prof. Dr. Michael Giese (University of Duisburg-Essen)
From Supramolecular Liquid Crystals Towards Smart Functional Materials"


3:00 pm

Dr. Matej Balaz (Slovak Academy of Sciences)
Unprecedented multidisciplinarity of mechanochemistry for applications in materials science, chemistry and waste management"


WS 2022/23

11:15 am

Prof. Romano Orrù (Maastricht University)
Multicomponent Reactions: Advanced Tools for Sustainable Organic Synthesis"


09:45 Uhr

Biocatalysis Symposium, OC-Hörsaal pdf

Prof. Stephan Hammer, Bielefeld University, Germany

Prof. Sandy Schmidt, University of Groningen, Netherlands

Dr. Hajo Kries, Leibniz-Institute Jena, Germany

Prof. Martin Weissenborn, Leibniz-Institute Halle, Germany

Prof. Hans Renata, Scripps Research Institute & Rice University, USA


11:15 am

Prof. Guy Bertrand (University of California, San Diego)
Carbenes as transition metal surrogates"


11:15 am

Prof. Andrei Yudin (University of Toronto)
Synthetic half-reactions"


11:15 am

Dr. Sanel Suljić and Dr. Torsten Rinesch (MAGRITEK)
New benchmark for benchtop NMRs: Ultra-high resolution Spinsolve systems" and "New benchmark for benchtop NMRs: Overcoming the limitations of 1H NMR resolution and 13C NMR quantification by effective solvent suppression, applied CPMG filters, and calibrated quantifications "



15. Neujahrssymposium, IOC, OC-Hörsaal pdf

Prof. Dr. Helma Wennemers (ETH Zürich)
Peptides as Stereoselective Catalysts"

Prof. Dr. Edward Anderson (Oxford University)
"Advances in the Chemistry of Propellanes and Related Strained Hydrocarbons"

Prof. Dr. Alan Spivey (Imperial College London)
"meta-Functionalisation of Aryl Boronates, Brønsted Acid Catalysed Alkene Functionalisation & Protein Structure Mimicry"

Dr. Torben Brömstrup (Cheminformatics Scientist at Bayer Crop Science)
"Small Molecules for Crop Protection: Novel Lead Structures Design Guided by Data Science"


09:00 Uhr, Sem.-Raum 6. Etage

Dr. Kenta Asahina (Geological Survey of Japan / National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology)
Innovation in Organic Geochemical Research Based on Organic Chemical Techniques"


02:00 pm

Prof. Varinder Aggarwal (University of Bristol)
Assembly-Line Synthesis"


11:15 am

Prof. Joseph Moran (University of Strasbourg)
Non-enzymatic metabolic reactions and life’s origin"


SS 2022

11:15 am

Prof. Dr. Tanja Gaich (Universität Konstanz) cancelled


4:30 pm, AOC

Prof. Dr. M. Miura (Osaka University)
Transition Metal Catalysis for Functionalization of Aromatic Compounds"


06.05.2022, GDCh-Vortrag
11:15 am, OC

Prof. Kenneth Raymond (UC Berkeley)
Supramolecular Metal Complexes as Enzyme Mimics"


16:30 pm, AOC

Prof. Marisa Kozlowski (University of Pennsylvania, USA)
Oxygen Driven Fragment Coupling for the Synthesis of Natural Products and Antibacterials"


11:15 am

Prof. Dr. Olalla Vázquez (Universität Marburg)
Chemical Biology Tools for Enlightening Diseases"


9:00 am, Zoom

Prof. Dr. Jonas Baltrusaitis (Lehigh University, Bethlehem, USA)
Mechanochemical synthesis for enhanced N-management fertilizer material synthesis"


11:15 am

Dr. Daniel Mink (InnoSyn B.V.)
Industrial synthesis of pharma and F&F molecules"


11:15 am

Prof. Stephen Newman (University of Ottawa, Canada)
Engaging esters, aldehydes, and alcohols in cross-coupling:  A high throughput approach to reaction discovery"


WS 2021/22

4:15 pm, Zoom

Prof Zachary Wickens (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
Selective synthesis using light and electricity"


11:15 am

Dr Bart Pieber (Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces, Potsdam)
The wavelength matters"


11:15 am

Prof Dorota Gryko (Polish Academy of Sciences)
Photocatalysis Enabled by Porphyrinoids"


11:15 am

Prof Olalla Vázquez (Philipps-Universität Marburg)


14. Neujahrssymposium, IOC, OC-Hörsaal

Prof. Dr. Maria Ángeles (Tati) Fernándes-Ibáñez, University of Amsterdam (Amsterdam, Netherlands)
S,O-Ligand-promoted Pd-catalyzed C-H Functionalization Reactions"

Prof. Dr. Lutz Ackermann, Georg-August-University Göttingen (Göttingen, Germany)
"Metallaelectro-Catalyzed Bond Activations"

Dr. Anne Décor, (Bayer Crop Science, Germany)
"Breakthrough Innovations for Crop Protection Small Molecules"


11:15 am

Prof. Dr. Jochen Niemeyer (Universität Duisburg Essen)
Chiral Brønsted acids: What can be gained from multifunctional systems for organocatalysis?"


SS 2021

09:00 am, Zoom

Prof Mark MacLachlan (University of British Columbia)
Mimicking Structural Color in Nature: New Photonic Materials from Cellulose Nanocrystals"


11:15 am, Zoom

Prof. Dr. Olivier Baudoin (University of Basel)
Constructing Small Rings by Palladium(0)-catalyzed C-H Activation"


11:15 am, Zoom

Dr Robert Phipps (University of Cambridge)
Harnessing Non-Covalent Interactions to Address Selectivity Challenges in Catalysis"


08.10.2021 Zoom

13. Neujahrssymposium, IOC, OC-Hörsaal pdf

Prof. Dr. Valentine P. Ananikov (Russian Academy of Sciences)

Dr. Jalila Simaan (Aix-Marseille Université)

Dr. Guillaume De Bo (University of Manchester)

Dr. David Bernier (Lab leader at Bayer Crop Science)


WS 2020/2021

11:15 am, Zoom

Dr. Joanna Wencel-Delord (Universite de Strasbourg)
C-H activation but not only...sustainable approaches for the asymmetric synthesis of original scaffolds"


11:15 am, Zoom

Prof. Dr. Michael C. Willis (University of Oxford)
New reactions and catalysis for sulfur functional groups"


11:15 am, Zoom

Dr. Josep Cornella (MPI Mühlheim)
Reagent, Ligand and Catalyst Design: a Three-fold Approach to Reaction Discovery"


11:15 am, Zoom

Dr. Pavel Mykhailiuk (Enamine Ltd, Ukraine)
Development of novel building blocks for Drug Discovery"


11:15 am, Zoom

Dr. Sidney Becker (University of Cambridge)
The chemistry of the genome - from its origin to molecular diagnostics"


11:15 am, Zoom

Dr. Oriol Planas Fàbrega (MPI Muelheim)
From Cobalt to Bismuth Metallacycles: Catalytic Platforms for Unique Bond-Making Transformations"


11:15 am, Zoom

Prof. Dr. Aiwen Lei (Wuhan University)
Oxidative Cross-coupling with Hydrogen Evolution"


4:30 pm, Zoom

Prof. Dr. Garret Miyake (Colorado State University)
Strongly Reducing Organic Photoredox Catalysts for the Synthesis of Polymers and Small Molecules"


SS 2020

5:15 pm, GDCh-Vortrag, Zoom

Prof. Dr. Scott Miller (Yale University)
Searching for Selective Catalytic Reactions in Complex Molecular Environments"


5:15 pm, GDCh-Vortrag, Zoom

Prof. Dr. Tomislav Friščić (McGill University Montréal)
“Re-discovering the Chemistry of Stones: a Cornerstone for New, Cleaner Synthesis of Molecules and Materials”


11:15 am, Zoom

Dr. Marcos García Suero (ICIQ, Tarragona)
New catalytic C−H & C−C functionalization strategies for chemical synthesis"


11:15 am, Zoom

Prof. Dr. Marco Ciufolini (The University of British Columbia, Canada)
"Synthetic studies on heterocyclic natural products


5:15 pm, GDCh-Vortrag, Zoom

Prof. Dr. Joachim Mittendorf (Bayer AG Wuppertal)
“Discovery of Finerenone - A Nonsteroidal Antagonist of the Mineralocorticoid Receptor for the Treatment of Cardiorenal Diseases”


WS 2019/2020

11:15 am

Prof. Dr. Per Arvidsson, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Schweden
A Durban curry: Sulfur bioisosterism in organic synthesis and drug design flavoured with a bit of Swedish academic drug discovery"


11:15 am

Prof. Dr. Naoki Ishida, Kyoto University, Japan
Synthetic Transformations Exploiting Light Energy"


11:15 am, Sem.-Raum 6. Etage

Prof Dawen Niu, Sichuan University, China
Site-selective Modification of Glycosides and Polyols"


12. Neujahrssymposium, IOC, OC-Hörsaal pdf

Dr. Deborah Crawford (Queen’s University Belfast)
Mechanochemistry and Continuous Synthesis by Twin Screw Extrusion"

Prof. Dr. Lukas Gooßen (Ruhr-Universität Bochum)
"Carboxylates as Deciduous Directing Groups in C–H Functionalizations"

Dr. Antoine Buchard (University of Bath)
"Synthetic polymers from sugars: monomers, catalysis and properties"

Dr. Matthieu Willot, Bayer AG, CropScience Division
"Discovery, synthesis and structure-activity relationship of tetraniliprole (VayegoTM), a novel diamide insecticide"


11:15 am

Dr. Clemens Lamberth, Syngenta, Schweiz
Significance of Organosulfur Chemistry for Crop Protection: Current Examples from Fungicide Research"


5:15 pm Klinikum RWTH

Prof. Dr. Albert Jeltsch, Institut für Biochemie und Technische Biochemie, Universität Stuttgart
Biological and artificial setting of DNA methylation"


SS 2019

4:00 pm Sem.-room 6. floor

Reinhard Kaiser, Charles University Prague
Development of New Syntheses of Condensed Aromatic Compounds"

11:15 am
Prof. Dr. Martin Kotora, Charles University Prague
"Catalytic Cycloadditions of Alkynes - Synthesis of Aromatic and Heteroaromatic Compounds"

5:15 pm PC Hörsaal

Prof. Dr. Till Opatz, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität, Mainz
Fake News in Science: The Reproducibility Crisis from a Chemical Perspective"


5:15 pm PC Hörsaal Inaugural lecture

Prof. Dr. Frederic Patureau
Development of direct dehydrogenative couplings towards new organic structures and materials" afterwards aperitif


11:15 am

Prof. John Murphy
Electron Transfer - A Basic Reaction in Organic Chemistry?"


5:15 Uhr PC Hörsaal

PD Dr. Martin Breugst, Universität Köln
Organocatalysis with Iodine – Mechanisms and Applications"


11:15 am

Prof. Dr. Akkattu T. Biju, IISc Bangalore
Organocatalysis Using N-Heterocyclic Carbenes (NHCS)"


4:00 pm Sem.-room 6. floor

Prof. Prof. S. Z. Zard, Palaiseau
Reversible Reservoirs for Radicals. Some New Perspectives for Organic Synthesis and for Polymer Chemistry"


11:15 am

Prof. Bas de Bruin, University of Amsterdam
Radical Reactivity of Carbenes & Nitrenes Controlled by Cobalt"


5:15 pm

Prof. Dr. Da-Gang Yu, Sichuan University
CO2 Utilization in Organic Synthesis"


5:00 pm PC Hörsaal

Prof. Congyang Wang, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing
Manganese Organometallic Catalysis"


11:15 am

Dr. Keiji Hirose, University of Osaka
Molecular Design Guide for Rotaxane Type Molecular Shuttles Considering Their Dynamics"


9:00 am Sem.-room 6. floor

Prof. Prof. Carsten Sievers, Georgia Institute of Technology
Development of Catalytic Processes for the Conversion of Biomass into Value-Added Chemicals"


11:15 am

Dr. Krunoslav Užarević, Zagreb, Kroatien
New advances in mechanochemistry: non-ambient reaction conditions and in situ monitoring techniques"


11:15 am

Dr. Nathalie Weickgenannt, Deputy Editor von Angewandte Chemie
Behind the Scenes of Angewandte Chemie"


WS 2018/2019

11:15 am

Prof. Brad Carrow, Princeton University
Leveraging Dispersion and Electrophilicity in Catalysts for Challenging Coupling Reactions"

5:15 pm

Prof. David Sarlah, University of Illinois
Dearomative Functionalization Strategies and Synthesis of Anticancer Natural Products"

11:15 am

Prof. Dr. Ryan Gilmour, Universität Münster
Physical Organic Principles in Reaction Design: From Catalysis to Biomedicine"


11. Neujahrssymposium, IOC, OC-Hörsaal pdf

Prof. Dr. John Gladysz, Texas A&M University
Werner Complexes: A New Class of Chiral Hydrogen Bond Donor Catalysts for Enantioselective Organic Reactions"

Prof. Dr. Stefan Huber (Universität Bochum)
"Multidentate Halogen (and Chalcogen) Bonding in Solution"

Prof. Dr. Louis Fensterbank, Sorbonne Université
"Recent Developments in Photoredox Catalysis and Dual Catalysis"

Dr. Thomas Müller, Bayer AG
"Plant hormone Abscisic Acid based lead structures against drought stress in crops"

11:15 am

Prof. Dr. Eric Meggers, Universität Marburg
New Directions in the Design of Asymmetric Catalysts"

11:15 am

Dr. U. Luecking, Bayer AG, Berlin
Lead Optimization as a Playground for New Concepts, Reactions and Chemical Modalities: Development of Multiple Generations of Clinical CDK Inhibitors @ BAYER AG"


SS 2018

11:15 am

Prof. Dr. S. Valentin Ananikov, Zelinsky Institute of Organic Chemiestry, Moskau
Dynamic catalytic systems for organic synthesis and sustainable development "

11:15 am

Prof. Dr. Timothy Noel, TU Eindhoven
Innovation in Catalytic Methodology Development through Flow Chemistry"

4:00 pm, Seminarraum 6. Etage

Dr. Gregg Beckham, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Colorado
Developing new processes to valorize lignin to building-block chemicals and materials"

11:15 am

Prof. Dr. Steve Nolan, Gent University
"Gold-N-Heterocyclic Carbene Mediated Catalysis: An Organic and Inorganic Adventure"

4:00 pm, Seminarraum 6. Etage

Prof. Dr. Mu-Hyun Baik, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)
"Computer Assisted Design of New Catalytic Reactions: Catalytic Borylation and Other Reactions"

2:00 pm GDCh-Vortrag, OC

Prof. Matt Sigman, University of Utah
"Enantioselective Formation of Remote Tertiary and Quaternary Chiral Centers"

11:15 am

Prof. Dr. Bernd Plietker, Universität Stuttgart
"Fe- or Fe-NO-catalysis - from allylic substitutions to cycloisomerizations"

11:15 am

Prof. Dr. Zhang-Jie Shi, Fudan University Shanghai
"Upgrading Cross Coupling"

3:15 pm

Prof. Dr. Kari Rissanen,University Jyväskyla, Finnland
"Converting Metallosupramolecular Cages to Halogen-bonded Cages and Capsules"

11:15 Uhr

Dr. Yoshihiro Sohtome, Riken, Japan
"Controlling Chiral Environments Constructed by Molecular Catalysts and Enzymes"

11:15 am

Prof. Donald Watson, University of Delaware
"Advances in Cross-Coupling Reactions of Heteroatomic Electrophiles"


WS 2017/2018

9:00 am, Seminarraum 6. Etage

Prof. Dr. Sukbok Chang, KAIST, Korea
"Development of Direct C-H Amination Reactions"

05:15 pm GDCh-Vortrag

Prof. Dr. Peter Bäuerle, Universität Ulm
"Thiophene-based Nanomaterials for Organic Electronics"

9:00 am, Seminarraum 6. Etage

Dr. Anne Nijs, Wiley, Weinheim
"Opening the Editor's Black Box: Insider Tips for Manuscript Submissions"

11:15 am

Prof. Dr. S. Ghosh, Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science, India
"H-Bonding Directed Assembly of Amphiphilic p-Systems and Macromolecules"


1:00 pm / 14.12.2017
8:30 am, Seminarraum 6. floor

Dr. K. Faerber, CAS
"How to do SciFinder Search"

8:30 am

10. Neujahrssymposium, IOC, OC-Lecture Hall pdf

Prof. Dr. Burkhard König,Universität Regensburg
Let there be light: Organic synthesis in photocatalysis"

Prof. Dr. Fredrik Almqvist, Umeå Universitet
"2-Pyridone based peptidomimetics: New antibacterial agents that target assembly of bacterial extracellular fibers important for biofilm formation"

Dr. James Bull, Imperial College London
"Synthesis of chemical motifs for drug discovery: New strategies and structures "

Dr. Jullien Rey, Bayer AG
The chemistry behind the aminoisothiazoles: A new class of herbicides"

12:15 pm

Tag der Chemie

11:15 am

Prof. Dr. Peter Burger, Universität Hamburg
"Synthesis, electronic structure and reactivity of group 9 nitrido complexes." together with IAC

11:15 am

Prof. Dr. Emmanuel Magnier, Université de Versailles
S-perfluoroalkyl sulfoximines: preparation and use as source of radicals under photoredox catalysis"

9:00 am, Seminarraum 6. floor

PD Dr. Torsten Beweries, LIKAT Rostock
Early vs late transition metal catalysts for dehydropolymerisation of amine-boranes"

11:15 am

Prof. Julia Rehbein, Universität Regensburg
Understanding Reactivity - From Details to Concepts"


SS 2017

11:15 am

Prof. Dr. László Kürti, Rice University, Houston, USA
"Practical Direct Electrophilic Amination of Olefins and Aromatic Systems"

11:15 am

Prof. Dr. Andrea Wanninger, Hochschule Niederrhein
"Organic Molecules as Key Ingredients in Modern Cosmetics: Opportunities and Challenges"

05:15 pm GDCh-Vortrag

Prof. Dr. Frank Glorius, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster
"On discovery in catalysis"

05:15 pm

Prof. Peter Wipf, University of Pittsburgh, USA
"Synthesis and Evaluation of Natural and Designed Anticancer Agents"

11:15 am
Prof. Dr. Tomislav Rovis, Columbia University, USA
"Controlling Catalysis with Visible Light"
11:15 am

Dr. Christine Paul-Roth, Institut National des Sciences Appliquées - Institut des Sciences Chimiques de Rennes
"Conjugated Porphyrin Dendrimers for Optics"

11:15 am

Prof. Dr. Paul Richard Blakemore, Oregon State University, USA
"Stereospecific Assembly of Carbon-carbon Bonds Using Scalemic Carbenoids"

05:15 pm GDCh-Vortrag

Prof. Huw Davies, Emory University Atlanta, USA
"Collaborative Approach for C-H Functionalization"

9:00 am, Seminarraum 6. Etage

Prof. Dr. Kuiling Ding (Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry)
"A Story of SKP/Pd Catalysis: Mechanistic Understanding, Process Innovation & Drug Discovery"


WS 2016/2017

11:15 am

Prof. Dr. Hélène Lebel, University of Montreal, Canada
"Stereoselective Amination"

04:15 pm

Prof. Dr. Kari Rissanen, University of Jyväskylä, Finland
"Supramolecular Crystallography: Weak Intermolecular Interactions in the Solid State"

11:15 am

Prof. Dr. Viktor Zhdankin, Minnesota Duluth, USA
"Hypervalent Iodine Chemistry"

04:00 pm

Prof. Dr. Olafs Daugulis, University of Houston, USA
"New Methods for Carbon-Hydrogen Bond Functionalization"

03:00 pm

Prof. Dr. Richard A. J. O'Hair, University of Melbourne, Australia
"More than just an analytical method! Using Mass Spectrometry to Build Bridges between Gas and Solution Phase Metal Chemistry."

11:15 am

Prof. Géraldine Masson, CNRS Gif-sur-Yvette, Frankreich
"Visible Light Photoredox Catalysis as a Tool for Organic Synthesis"

05:15 pm GDCh-Vortrag

Prof. Dr. Peter Schreiner, Gießen
"Nanodiamondoids as the Next Generation Carbon Materials"

08:30 am

9. Neujahrssymposium, IOC - 6. Etage pdf

Prof. Dr. Erick M. Carreira, ETH Zurich (Switzerland)
Versatile Iridium Catalysts for a Broad Range of Asymmetric Transformations"

Prof. Dr. Gwilherm Evano, Université libre de Bruxelles (Belgium)
"Nitrogen-Substituted Alkynes: from Synthesis to Applications"

Prof. Dr. Bill Morandi, MPI Mühlheim (Germany)
"Catalysis for Introducing, Removing and Shuttling Functional Groups"

Dr. Christian Waldraff, Bayer CropScience (Germany)
HPPD Inhibitors in combination with safeners: Modern solutions for sustainable agriculture"

01:00 pm

Tag der Chemie

05:00 pm PC-Lecture Hall

Prof. Dr. Paul Knochel, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (JULIUS-BREDT Lecture)
"Polyfunctionalized Organometallics in Synthesis"

04:00 pm

Dr. Max Hansmann, University of San Diego, La Jolla, USA
"Gold and boron-Two useful electrophiles in organic synthesis"